
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Welcome to the Fremantle Cockburn Hockey Club Season 2024.


To play hockey for the Fremantle Cockburn Hockey Club a player MUST be registered.


Please note that all registration fees are made up of two parts: your FCHC fees and the Hockey Australia Levy.


Hockey Australia Levy for 2024:

  • $57.31 for Seniors/Masters
  • $45.31 for Juniors (18 and under), and
  • $22.81 for Hook in 2 Hockey and Grads (up to Grade 4)
  • $20.00 for Hockey For All - All Abilities Program

The system will not allow you to complete the registration without the Hockey Australia Levy being paid. Fremantle Cockburn Hockey Club has no bearing on this levy or the ability to waive or refund this levy. 

Fee Payment

When registering there are several options for how to pay your fees.


Payment Types


Full Fees

Pay while registering

Half Fees

First half of fees will be paid while registering. Any outstanding fee payment MUST be completed by 30 June 2024 or players will not be eligible to play for the rest of the season.

Payment Plan

To organise, please contact either our Club Treasurer or our Club Registrar

Tim Cole

Madonna Burns


If you have an issue with fee payment, please contact our Club Registrar - Madonna



The fees for the 2024 season are (exclusive of The Hockey Australia Levy):


  • Life members will receive a link to register via email. If this is not received please contact our Club Registrar.
  • Goalkeepers will receive reduced fees after the purchase of new goalkeeping gear for the current season. All receipts will need to be provided to our Treasurer. Please contact Tim if you need more information.
  • 2023 Junior State representatives only need to pay the Hockey Australia Levy. Please contact our Junior VP to receive more information.
  • Kidsport vouchers are welcome. Please contact our Club Registrar with your voucher number to receive the discount code.
  • Coaches of our junior teams who play seniors are eligible for discounted fees. Once you have been assigned to a team as a coach, the Junior VP will provide you with the discount code.
  • $15 discount for third child and more. Please contact the Club Registrar for the Discount Code (Junior players only, does not include Grads or Hook in 2 Hockey).
  • Hook in 2 Hockey players will receive a playing pack as part of their fees. This includes a stick and shin guards.
  • Casual (senior) players will need to pay the Hockey Australia Levy and $150 at registration to cover the 6 games. If more than a total of 6 games are played, irrespective of the competition or league, then you will be charged full fees minus the fees already paid.
  • Players with sponsorship will need to contact the Treasurer with the details of the sponsor. You will then be provided a discount code for registration. Please note that you are still required to pay the Hockey Australia Levy.

To start the registration process:


  • New players need to select NEW MEMBER
  • Returning players need to select RETURNING MEMBER; this includes players who may be new to the club but played last season at a different club.

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